Monday 13 March 2017

Torchwood - Representation of Sexuality

Torchwood - Mise En Scene

In the clip, one of the homosexual men is wearing a uniform representing the British Royal Navy. This portrays how men who serve in the British defence are frowned upon if they are gay. Uniform portrays conformity yet he is acting against authority and society and this is the reason everyone surrounding the couple are staring at them in disbelief.

In the final scene, the lighting changes into a shade of red to represent the love between the two men. Contrastingly, the red lighting could represent the anger of not being able to freely express their love for each other because society in the past did not accept this.

Finally, in the opening scene where two different men confront each other there is use of props to convey the dominance and power of one man over the other. One of the men is standing up with a gun in his hand and points it towards a defenceless man backing down seeking cover. Sexuality is portrayed here because the man with the gun mocks the victim of how he has had sex with other men, therefore the gun is used to destroy the victim's dignity and self-respect because he cannot voice his opinion otherwise he may have been shot by straight man holding the gun.

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