Monday 27 March 2017

Ethnicity - Hotel Babylon


Throughout the clip authority is represented through the amount of screen-time the characters have. The manager of the immigrants, Jackie, has more screen time than any other character. This portrays how the immigrants are not seen as important as Jackie who holds power over the large group of workers. It also implies that the immigrant workers are only present to perform a mundane job and not do anything else.
The order of narrative conveys how the people in the hotel with foreign ethnicities are causing trouble and are attempting to cheat the system. However, this is not the case because we feel sympathetic towards the workers who are trying to better their lives and work in a country with opportunity. When the officers enter the workers are peaceful and then Jackie panics causing the workers to fear for their lives if they are caught and this is why we feel sympathetic towards them.
The pace in the clip conveys the fear that the immigrant workers are feeling when the authorities enter. This is portrayed in two stages, it is very calm at the beginning and they are all performing daily routines however when the officers enter everyone starts to panic. Consequently, the audience is given the impression that the English officers are intimidating towards them and have much more power in contrast.

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