Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Disability - Coming Down the Mountain


The music at the end of the clip was slow-paced and had a sad tune to it. The producer intends to portray this emotion in the music because it reflects the feelings of the boy with down syndrome. The boy is feeling isolated and disowned because he has to get the bus by himself while his brother is having fun. The diegetic dialogue between the parents and the boy with down syndrome is very sympathetic. In the kitchen the mum says "don't be so selfish" to the older brother. This infers to the audience that the boy with the disability is treated with more care than his older brother, this may be demoralising for the boy who wishes to live a normal life just like his brother. Additionally, the point of view is from the older and more able brother. The producer uses voiceovers of the older brother who tells a story of what it is like to have a disabled brother. At times the brother's tone of voice is angry and annoyed. This implies how it is frustrating for him and restricts his freedom to do things he wants to do, yet he has a huge responsibility to care for his brother. Disability is negatively depicted in the opening scene, when the brother says I want to "kill my brother" there is parallel music being played. The music is intense and portrays the anger in his feelings. This represents the contrast in emotions because the disabled brother is peaceful and does not realise how frustrated his brother is because he does not have the mental capacity to do so.


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